What is Netiquette
Netiquette or web etiquette is the set of rules (professionally and socially) that should be followed when using any type of electronic device. Common practices include being polite, respectful, and courteous of others while following all copyright laws and policies. (Netiquette (n.d.)
With in the 21st century, social networking could be considered the most wrongly used form of technology today. Many individuals are using the numerous social networking sites for the incorrect reason. The biggest misuse comes in the form of cyberbullying.
(Common Sense Education)
The following guidelines and policies were obtained from a collaborative blog retrieved from http://socialmediaguidelines.pbworks.com/w/page/17050882/Parent%20Guidelines
Russell County School District Social Media Guidelines
The Russell County School District realizes that part of 21st century learning is adapting to the changing methods of communication. The importance of teachers, students and parents engaging, collaborating, learning, and sharing in these digital environments is a part of of 21st century learning . To this aim, Russell County School District has developed the following guideline to provide direction for instructional employees, students and the school district community when participating in online social media activities. Whether or not an employee chooses to participate in a blog, wiki, online social network or any other form of online publishing or discussion it is his or her own decision. Free speech protects educators who want to participate in social media, but the laws and courts have ruled that schools can discipline teachers if their speech, including online postings, disrupts school operations. The Russell County School District social media guidelines encourage employees to participate in online social activities. But it is important to create an atmosphere of trust and individual accountability, keeping in mind that information produced by Russell County School District teachers and students is a reflection on the entire district and is subject to the district's Acceptable Use Policy. By accessing, creating or contributing to any blogs, wikis, or other social media for classroom or district use, you agree to abide by these guidelines. Please read them carefully before posting or commenting on any blog or creating any classroom blog, wiki and/or podcast.
Social Media Guidelines for Students
1. Be aware of what you post online. Social media venues including wikis, blogs, photo and video sharing sites are very public. What you contribute leaves a digital footprint for all to see. Do not post anything you wouldn't want friends, enemies, parents, teachers, or a future employer to see.
2. Follow the school's code of conduct when writing online. It is acceptable to disagree with someone else's opinions, however, do it in a respectful way. Make sure that criticism is constructive and not hurtful. What is inappropriate in the classroom is inappropriate online.
3. Be safe online. Never give out personal information, including, but not limited to, last names, phone numbers, addresses, exact birthdates, and pictures. Do not share your password with anyone besides your teachers and parents.
4. Linking to other websites to support your thoughts and ideas is recommended. However, be sure to read the entire article prior to linking to ensure that all information is appropriate for a school setting.
5. Do your own work! Do not use other people's intellectual property without their permission. It is a violation of copyright law to copy and paste other's thoughts. When paraphrasing another's idea(s) be sure to cite your source with the URL. It is good practice to hyperlink to your sources.
6. Be aware that pictures may also be protected under copyright laws. Verify you have permission to use the image or it is under Creative Commons attribution.
7. How you represent yourself online is an extension of yourself. Do not misrepresent yourself by using someone else's identity.
8. Blog and wiki posts should be well written. Follow writing conventions including proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. If you edit someone else's work be sure it is in the spirit of improving the writing.
9. If you run across inappropriate material that makes you feel uncomfortable, or is not respectful, tell your teacher right away.
10. Students who do not abide by these terms and conditions may lose their opportunity to take part in the project and/or access to future use of online tools.
Parents are required to adhere to the following guidelines:
Parents should expect communication from teachers prior to their child’s involvement in any project using online social media applications, i.e., blogs, wikis, podcast, etc.
Parents will need to sign a release form for students when teachers set up social media activities for classroom use.
Parents will not attempt to destroy or harm any information online.
Parents will not use classroom social media sites for any illegal activity, including violation of data privacy laws.
Parents are highly encouraged to read and/or participate in social media projects.
Parents should not distribute any information that might be deemed personal about other students participating in the social media project.
Parents should not upload or include any information that does not also meet the Student Guidelines.
(Montgomery K., 2010)
The Alabama Anti-Bullying Laws and Policies
Section 16-28B-4
Prohibited behavior; complaints; school plans or programs.
(a) No student shall engage in or be subjected to harassment, intimidation, violence, or threats of violence on school property, on a school bus, or at any school-sponsored function by any other student in his or her school system.
(b) No person shall engage in reprisal, retaliation, or false accusation against a victim, witness, or other person who has reliable information about an act of harassment, violence, or threat of violence.
(c) Any student, or parent or guardian of the student, who is the object of harassment may file a complaint outlining the details of the harassment, on a form authorized by the local board, and submit the form to the official designated by the local board to receive complaints at the school.
(d) Each school shall develop plans or programs, including, but not limited to, peer mediation teams, in an effort to encourage students to report and address incidents of harassment, violence, or threats of violence.